田纳西州父母Sarah Morton因威胁在索迪黛西中学实施大规模暴力而被捕。 Sarah Morton, a Tennessee parent, was arrested for threatening mass violence at Soddy Daisy Middle School.
Sarah Morton,田纳西州Soddy Daisy中学的家长,因威胁对学校实施大规模暴力而被捕。 Sarah Morton, a parent at Soddy Daisy Middle School in Tennessee, was arrested for making threats of mass violence against the school. 8月下旬,她告诉一名医疗专业人员,她计划开车进入学校,后来又告诉一名顾问,她准备烧掉学校。 In late August, she told a medical professional she planned to drive into the school and later told a counselor she was ready to burn it down. 汉密尔顿郡郡治安官办公室进行了调查,证实学生或教职员工没有受到任何积极威胁。 The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office investigated, confirming no active threat exists to students or faculty. Morton被控大规模暴力威胁。 Morton has been charged with threats of mass violence.