Soddy Daisy中学因停电而关闭,将学生改道到高中。 Soddy Daisy Middle School closed due to downed power lines, rerouting students to the high school.
田纳西州的Soddy Daisy中学于星期三关闭, 因为电线封锁入口, 影响巴士, 造成停电。 Soddy Daisy Middle School in Tennessee closed on Wednesday due to downed power lines blocking the entrance, affecting buses and causing a power outage. 学生被送往Soddy Daisy高中;父母可以在那里接他们,或者等待公共汽车完成基本路线,然后返回接学生。 Students were transported to Soddy Daisy High School; parents could pick them up there or wait for buses to complete elementary routes and return to pick up the students. 学校正在调查电力线路的原因。 The school is investigating the cause of the power lines.