Teladoc Health 内部人士 Arnnon Geshuri 和 Stephany Verstraete 于 9 月 3 日出售了股票。 Teladoc Health insiders Arnnon Geshuri and Stephany Verstraete sold shares on September 3.
泰拉多克健康内部人士阿恩农·盖什里和斯蒂芬尼·维斯特拉特于9月3日以每股7.16美元的平均价格出售了该公司的股票. Teladoc Health insiders Arnnon Geshuri and Stephany Verstraete sold shares of the company on September 3, each at an average price of $7.16. Geshuri出售了1 795股,Vestraete出售了2 083股,使各自持有的股票达到44 914股和48 843股。 Geshuri sold 1,795 shares, while Verstraete sold 2,083 shares, bringing their respective holdings to 44,914 and 48,843 shares. 之后,Teladoc的股价上至7.44美元,市值为127亿美元. Following these transactions, Teladoc's stock rose to $7.44, with a market cap of $1.27 billion. 分析员预测该年的EPS为 - 0.71 EPS, 一致评分为“ Hold” 。 Analysts project a -0.71 EPS for the year, with a consensus rating of "Hold."