瑞典银行Swedbank AB投资6.95M美元,用于Teledyne Technology Inc.,购买股份。 Swedish bank Swedbank AB invested $6.95M in Teledyne Technologies Inc., purchasing shares.
瑞典Swedbank AB银行在Teledyne Technology Inc.公司投资6.95M美元,购买了科技仪器公司的16 196股股份。 Swedish bank Swedbank AB invested $6.95M in Teledyne Technologies Inc., purchasing 16,196 shares of the scientific and technical instruments company. 其次是最近收购或出售公司股份的若干其他对冲基金和机构投资者。 This follows several other hedge funds and institutional investors who have recently acquired or sold shares of the company. Teledyne Technology报告,Q2收入超过华尔街的估计数,每股收入为4.58美元。 Teledyne Technologies reported Q2 earnings that exceeded Wall Street estimates, with earnings per share at $4.58. 公司股价的中度购买评级为474.57美元,一致商定价格目标为474.57美元。 The company's stock has a moderate buy rating with a consensus price target of $474.57.