Teladoc Health公司为65M公司购置了“Capapult Health”,以加强早期健康检测和虚拟护理。 Teladoc Health acquires Catapult Health for $65M to boost early health detection and virtual care.
Teladoc Health是一家远程医疗公司,它将以6 500万美元的现金购买Catapult Health,并有可能得到额外付款。 Teladoc Health, a telemedicine company, will acquire Catapult Health for $65 million in cash, with potential for additional payments. Catapult Health提供家庭健康检查和虚拟护士咨询,预计这将加强Teladoc及早发现健康问题和改善护理结果的能力。 Catapult Health provides at-home wellness exams and virtual nurse consultations, which are expected to enhance Teladoc's ability to detect health issues early and improve care outcomes. 该收购将于2025年第一季度完成,将Catapult Health整合到Teladoc的综合护理部门. The acquisition, set to close in the first quarter of 2025, will integrate Catapult Health into Teladoc's Integrated Care segment.