T-Mobile开始测试Starlink卫星服务,以便从2025年初开始在死区提供细胞覆盖。 T-Mobile begins beta testing Starlink satellite service to offer cell coverage in dead zones starting early 2025.
T-Mobile邀请其后薪语音客户测试其新的Starlink卫星服务,该服务的目的是在无手机塔的地区提供手机覆盖。 T-Mobile is inviting its postpaid voice customers to beta test its new Starlink satellite service, which aims to provide cellular coverage in areas without cell towers. 从2025年初开始的免费贝塔程序, 最初支持短信, 并有语音和数据跟进。 The free beta program, starting early 2025, initially supports text messaging, with voice and data to follow. 急救人员和企业得到优先考虑。 First responders and businesses receive priority. 这项服务经公平竞争委员会批准,利用SpaceX的卫星覆盖了美国目前50万平方英里的死区。 The service, approved by the FCC, uses SpaceX's satellites to cover over 500,000 square miles of current dead zones in the US.