利物浦中央学校董事会一致终止丹尼尔·亨纳总监的职务,该总监在新学年之前生效。 Liverpool Central School Board unanimously terminates Superintendent Daniel Henner, effective before the new school year.
利物浦中央学校董事会一致投票决定 与丹尼尔・亨纳总监分道扬镳 在新学年之前生效 The Liverpool Central School Board voted unanimously to part ways with Superintendent Daniel Henner, effective just before the new school year. 这一决定是在他任期两年的批评和抗议中作出的,得到了与会者的积极反应。 This decision, made amid criticism and protests during his two-year tenure, garnered positive reactions from attendees. 董事会计划任命道格拉斯·劳伦斯副总监担任临时总监,并正在调查Henner处理加班事宜的情况,尽管他离开的具体原因尚未披露。 The board plans to appoint Deputy Superintendent Douglas Lawrence as interim superintendent and is looking into Henner's handling of overtime, though specific reasons for his departure remain undisclosed.