印度县学校区主任罗伯特桑德斯宣布辞职, 有效期为2025年6月30日. Hinds County School District Superintendent Robert Sanders announces resignation, effective June 30, 2025.
印度县学校区主任罗伯特桑德斯宣布辞职, 有效期为2025年6月30日. Hinds County School District Superintendent Robert Sanders has announced his resignation, effective June 30, 2025. 自2023年7月以来担任此职的桑德斯没有透露他离开的原因,但对其任职期间取得的进展感到自豪。 Sanders, who has been in the position since July 2023, did not disclose the reasons for his departure but expressed pride in the progress made during his tenure. 他计划在辞职之前确保平稳过渡。 He plans to ensure a smooth transition before stepping down.