韩国提议将老龄人口的国家养恤金缴款率从9%提高到13%。 South Korea proposes raising national pension contribution rate from 9% to 13% for an aging population.
韩国政府已建议将国家养老金缴款率从9%提高到13%, South Korea's government has proposed raising the national pension contribution rate from 9% to 13% to address the fund's depletion due to an aging population. 增长将因年龄组而异,计划需要议会批准。 Increases will vary by age group, with the plan requiring parliamentary approval. 改革的目的是维持养恤金制度,维持42%的收入折合养恤金率,提高投资回报率,并对福利实行自动调整制度。 The reform aims to sustain the pension system, maintain a 42% income replacement rate, enhance investment returns, and introduce an automatic adjustment system for benefits. 如果获得批准,这将是27年来第一次增加缴款率。 If approved, this will be the first contribution rate increase in 27 years.