北朝鲜在免疫接种率下降的情况下,为80万儿童和120 000名孕妇发起了儿童基金会支持的疫苗接种运动。 North Korea launches UNICEF-supported vaccination campaign for 800,000 kids & 120,000 pregnant women amid falling immunization rates.
北朝鲜在儿童基金会的支持下发起了疫苗接种运动,旨在为80多万儿童和120 000名孕妇接种白喉和麻疹等疾病疫苗。 North Korea has launched a vaccination campaign supported by UNICEF, aiming to inoculate over 800,000 children and 120,000 pregnant women against diseases like diphtheria and measles. 该倡议解决了免疫率急剧下降的问题,在COVID-19大流行期间,免疫率从96%以上下降到42%以下。 The initiative addresses a drastic drop in immunization rates, which fell from over 96% to below 42% during the COVID-19 pandemic. 该运动提供400万剂疫苗,力求恢复对弱势人口的基本健康保护。 With 4 million vaccine doses delivered, the campaign seeks to restore essential health protections for vulnerable populations.