Florian Lüskow 博士预测,由于气候变化,不列颠哥伦比亚省看到入侵桃花水母的事件将有所增加。 Dr. Florian Lüskow predicts a rise in invasive peach blossom jellyfish sightings in British Columbia due to climate change.
不列颠哥伦比亚大学的Florian Lüskow博士预测,由于气候变化,看到侵入性桃花水母的情况将会增加。 Dr. Florian Lüskow from the University of British Columbia predicts that sightings of invasive peach blossom jellyfish will rise due to climate change. 他的研究发现这些淡水水母分布在不列颠哥伦比亚省的34个地点,最北端在Pavilion湖。 His research found these freshwater jellyfish in 34 locations across British Columbia, with the northernmost sighting in Pavilion Lake. 研究表明,随着气温的上升,水母的观测范围和频率可能大大增加,对当地生态系统,特别是当地物种构成潜在威胁。 The study indicates that as temperatures rise, the jellyfish's range and frequency of sightings may significantly increase, posing potential threats to local ecosystems, particularly native species.