缅因湾龙虾因海水温度升温而面临住房危机,造成过度拥挤。 Gulf of Maine lobsters face a housing crisis due to warming sea temperatures, causing overcrowding.
缅因湾龙虾因海水温度升高而面临住房危机,造成岩石裂缝过度拥挤,并迫使它们进入临时浅水住所。 Gulf of Maine lobsters face a housing crisis due to warming sea temperatures, causing overcrowding in rocky crevices and forcing them into temporary, shallow dwellings. 其原因是该区域海洋变暖速度加快、海流变化以及龙虾、海鸟和其他海洋生物的食物链受到影响。 This results from faster ocean warming in the region, changing currents, and impacting the food chain for lobsters, sea birds, and other marine life. 作者强调需要就气候变化采取集体行动,以保护这些生态系统。 The author underscores the need for collective action on climate change to protect these ecosystems.