由于虚假的春季影响,不列颠哥伦比亚省的极端温度波动引起了当地蜜蜂种群(尤其是大黄蜂)的健康担忧。 British Columbia's extreme temperature fluctuations raise health concerns for local bee populations, especially bumblebees, due to false spring impacts.
不列颠哥伦比亚省正在经历剧烈的气温波动,引起了人们对当地动物(尤其是蜜蜂)健康和生存的担忧。 British Columbia is experiencing dramatic temperature swings, causing concern for the health and survival of local animals, particularly bees. 不列颠哥伦比亚大学的蜜蜂研究员艾莉森·麦卡菲(Alison McAfee)对这些波动对蜜蜂种群(尤其是大黄蜂)的影响表示担忧,因为假春天可能导致蜂王过早从冬眠中苏醒,并在觅食和筑巢时面临温度下降。 The University of British Columbia's bee researcher, Alison McAfee, expresses worry about the impact of these swings on bee populations, especially bumblebees, as false springs can lead to queens emerging from hibernation prematurely and facing temperature downturns when foraging and starting nests.