津巴布韦将枪械大赦延长至9月30日, Zimbabwe extends firearms amnesty until September 30 for unlicensed firearms surrender.
津巴布韦的火器大赦一直持续到9月30日,鼓励交出未经许可的火器和弹药。 Zimbabwe's Firearms Amnesty, running until September 30, encourages the surrender of unlicensed firearms and ammunition. 许多公民未经适当授权仍拥有这些火器,导致滥用和违反《火器法》。 Many citizens still possess these without proper authorization, leading to misuse and violations of the Firearms Act. 该倡议旨在加强公共安全和减少流通中的非法火器。 The initiative aims to enhance public safety and reduce illegal firearms in circulation. 警察计划在大赦结束后对涉嫌藏匿无许可证武器的房舍进行检查。 The police plan to conduct checks on premises suspected of harboring unlicensed weapons following the amnesty's conclusion.