在巴基斯坦发生的59起恐怖袭击事件,比7月的38起有所增加,这主要是俾路支解放军所为,造成84人死亡,166人受伤。 59 terror attacks in Pakistan, up from 38 in July, attributed mainly to the Balochistan Liberation Army, resulting in 84 deaths and 166 injuries.
2024年8月,巴基斯坦的恐怖主义显著增加,59次袭击造成84人死亡,166人受伤,比7月的38次袭击有所增加。 In August 2024, Pakistan saw a significant rise in terrorism, with 59 attacks resulting in 84 deaths and 166 injuries, up from 38 attacks in July. 俾路支省解放军 (BLA) 卷入了许多此类事件,主要针对非俾路支个人和基础设施。 The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) was implicated in many of these incidents, primarily targeting non-Baloch individuals and infrastructure. 报告敦促政府解决俾路支人的不满,就反恐战略与阿富汗和伊朗合作,以进一步减少暴力。 The report urges the government to address Baloch grievances and collaborate with Afghanistan and Iran on counterterrorism strategies to mitigate further violence.