在俾路支省开展的反恐行动杀害了三名BLA恐怖分子并逮捕了两名恐怖分子。 A counter-terrorism operation in Balochistan killed three BLA terrorists and arrested two.
在反恐怖主义部、边防军和警察领导下,在俾路支省Musakhel开展了反恐行动,导致三名俾路支解放军恐怖分子死亡,另外两人被捕。 A counter-terrorism operation in Musakhel, Balochistan, led by the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD), Frontier Corps, and police resulted in the deaths of three Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) terrorists and the arrest of two others. 根据可靠的情报,这一行动还收缴了武器和弹药。 The operation, based on credible intelligence, also recovered weapons and ammunition. 5至7名恐怖分子逃脱,导致继续搜索。 Five to seven terrorists escaped, prompting a continued search. 继巴基斯坦暴力事件增加之后,2023年,此类事件造成的死亡人数创历史新高。 This follows a rise in violence in Pakistan, with 2023 marking a record high in fatalities from such incidents.