前纽约州州长Cuomo于9月10日公开作证, 说他的疗养院咨询与该流行病期间的COVID-19死亡人数不足有关。 Former NY Governor Cuomo publicly testifies on Sept 10 about his nursing home advisory linked to undercounted COVID-19 deaths during the pandemic.
前纽约州州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)将于9月10日在众议院科罗纳病毒大流行问题特设小组委员会上公开作证。 Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will testify publicly on September 10 before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. 他将就COVID-19大流行期间数千人死亡一事向疗养院咨询。 He will address his nursing home advisory linked to thousands of deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. 一项调查显示,纽约的护理院死亡人数不足50%。 An investigation revealed that New York undercounted nursing home fatalities by about 50%. Cuomo坚持采取符合联邦准则的行动。 Cuomo insists his actions aligned with federal guidelines. 听证会的目的是向受影响的家庭提供答案。 The hearing aims to provide answers to the families affected.