前纽约州州长Cuomo在COVID-19期间为捍卫养老院政策作证,面对15 000多起养老院死亡掩盖指控。 Former NY Governor Cuomo testified in defense of nursing home policies during COVID-19, facing accusations of a 15,000+ nursing home death cover-up.
前纽约州长Andrew Cuomo在共和党领导的众议院科罗纳病毒大流行问题特设小组委员会作证,在COVID-19期间为他的政府养老院政策辩护。 Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo testified before the Republican-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, defending his administration's nursing home policies during COVID-19. 小组委员会根据2020年3月的一项指令,允许COVID阳性病人进入医院,指控他隐瞒了15 000多起疗养院死亡事件。 The subcommittee accused him of a cover-up related to over 15,000 nursing home deaths, stemming from a March 2020 directive allowing COVID-positive patients into facilities. Cuomo将这一高死亡人数归咎于前总统特朗普的领导,并坚持他的决定是以联邦指导为基础的。 Cuomo attributed the high death toll to former President Trump's leadership and maintained his decisions were based on federal guidance.