Equinor、Polennergia选择Smulders来设计、建造1,440兆瓦、2,3个波兰离岸风力农场的分站。 Equinor, Polenergia select Smulders to design, construct substations for 1,440 MW Bałtyk 2, 3 offshore wind farms in Poland.
Equinor和Polennergia已选定Smulders为波兰Baityk 2和Baityk 3岸外风力农场设计和建造分站,每个分站的容量为720兆瓦,共计1 440兆瓦。 Equinor and Polenergia have selected Smulders to design and construct substations for the Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 offshore wind farms in Poland, each with a capacity of 720 MW, totaling 1,440 MW. Smulders将与Sif合作制造100件过渡件。 Smulders will collaborate with Sif to manufacture 100 transition pieces. 这些项目将设在波兰波罗的海专属经济区,并将遵守波兰的条例,在比利时和荷兰举行最后集会。 The projects will be located in Poland's Baltic Sea exclusive economic zone and will adhere to Polish regulations, with final assembly occurring in Belgium and the Netherlands.