丹麦Ersted公司和波兰PGE公司在波兰海岸外开发1.5个GW风力农场,预计2027年完工。 Danish Ørsted and Polish PGE develop 1.5 GW wind farm off Poland's coast, set for 2027 completion.
丹麦公司Ursted和波兰能源公司PGE正在开发1.5GW波罗的海2号离岸风力农场,定于2027年竣工。 Danish company Ørsted and Polish energy firm PGE are developing the 1.5 GW Baltica 2 Offshore Wind Farm, set for completion by 2027. 它位于波兰海岸40公里之外,将使用107台西门子运动机涡轮机,并有为期25年的防通货膨胀合同。 Located 40 km off Poland's coast, it will use 107 Siemens Gamesa turbines and is secured with a 25-year inflation-protected contract. 该项目旨在使波兰的能源多样化,加强安全,并支持经济增长,与波兰到2030年实现5.9千兆瓦离岸风能的目标相一致。 The project aims to diversify Poland's energy sources, enhance security, and support economic growth, aligning with Poland's target to have 5.9 GW of offshore wind by 2030. 风力农场将由格丹斯克港支持安装涡轮机。 The wind farm will be supported by the Port of Gdansk for turbine installation.