埃及和约旦拒绝内塔尼亚胡关于武器走私的指控,指责他分散注意力,阻碍停火谈判。 Egypt and Jordan reject Netanyahu's weapon smuggling allegations, accusing him of distraction and obstructing ceasefire negotiations.
埃及和约旦坚决拒绝以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡关于从埃及向加沙走私武器的指控。 Egypt and Jordan have firmly rejected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's allegations of weapon smuggling from Egypt into Gaza. 两国都声称这些主张是毫无根据的,埃及指责内塔尼亚胡企图转移对国内问题的注意力,阻碍停火谈判。 Both nations assert that the claims are baseless, with Egypt accusing Netanyahu of attempting to distract from domestic issues and obstruct ceasefire negotiations. 他们强调对这些指控的声援,埃及认为以色列应对此类言论可能造成的区域紧张局势负责。 They emphasize solidarity against these accusations, with Egypt holding Israel responsible for potential regional tensions caused by such statements.