前儿童保育工作者Ashley Paul Griffith在布里斯班地区法院对300多起儿童性犯罪认罪。 Former childcare worker Ashley Paul Griffith pleaded guilty to over 300 child sex offenses in Brisbane District Court.
前儿童保育工作者Ashley Paul Griffith在布里斯班地区法院对300多起儿童性犯罪认罪,其中包括2008年1月至2022年8月期间的28项强奸罪。 Ashley Paul Griffith, a former childcare worker, pleaded guilty in Brisbane District Court to over 300 child sex offences, including 28 counts of rape, spanning from January 2008 to August 2022. 最初面临1 000多项指控,涉及91名女童,其中许多被撤销。 Initially facing over 1,000 charges involving 91 girls, many were dropped. 他承认有190起未满12岁儿童不端待遇和拥有儿童剥削材料的指控. His admissions include 190 counts of indecent treatment of children under 12 and possession of child exploitation material. 格里菲斯仍被拘留,定于9月9日举行判刑讨论。 Griffith remains in custody, with sentencing discussions set for September 9.