六千名骑自行车者参加了为英格兰斯罗普郡的中部空中救护车慈善组织进行的26英里慈善行程. 6,000 bikers participate in a 26-mile charity ride for Midlands Air Ambulance Charity in Shropshire, UK.
位于英国什罗普郡的 Bike4Life Ride Out and Festival 将吸引超过 6,000 名骑行者参加 26 英里的慈善骑行活动,以支持 Midlands Air Ambulance 慈善机构。 The Bike4Life Ride Out and Festival in Shropshire, UK, is set to attract over 6,000 bikers for a 26-mile charity ride supporting the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity. 该活动因天气原因推迟,现已进入第 12 个年头,以现场音乐、自行车表演和食品摊位为特色。 Now in its 12th year, the event, postponed due to weather, features live music, bike shows, and food stands. 虽然车票已经售出,但节日票是可以买到的。 Although ride tickets are sold out, festival tickets are available. 慈善机构依靠公众捐款为其年度业务提供资金,耗资13亿3千4百万英镑。 The charity relies on public donations to fund its annual operations, costing £13-14 million.