" 没有年龄的赛车 " 向老年人和残疾人提供免费的40分钟骑车,在金海岸使用经改造的三轮车。 Cycling Without Age offers free, 40-minute rides to seniors and disabled individuals using adapted trishaws in the Gold Coast.
由韦恩·施捷尔(Wayne Sticher)在金色海岸创立的 " 无年龄赛车 " 免费向老年人和残疾人提供自行车骑车,使用经专门改造的三轮车。 Cycling Without Age, founded by Wayne Sticher in the Gold Coast, offers free bicycle rides to seniors and people with disabilities using specially adapted trishaws. 该慈善机构拥有大约 100 名志愿者和 11 辆三轮车,在 Paradise Point 和 Southport 运营,提供 40 分钟的车程。 With around 100 volunteers and 11 trishaws, the charity operates in Paradise Point and Southport, providing 40-minute rides. 该方案于2012年在哥本哈根启动,现已扩大到澳大利亚40个分会。 Originating in Copenhagen in 2012, the program has expanded to 40 chapters in Australia. 尽管荣获奖项,但韦恩强调乘车带来的欢乐和社区联系。 Despite receiving awards, Wayne emphasizes the joy and community connections the rides bring.