伦敦救护车慈善机构于 9 月 8 日组织伦敦生命徒步活动,为公共场所除颤器和心肺复苏术教育筹集资金。 London Ambulance Charity organizes the London Life Hike on September 8, raising funds for public access defibrillators and CPR education.
伦敦救护车慈善机构将于 9 月 8 日组织伦敦生命徒步活动,鼓励伦敦人参加围绕城市地标的徒步旅行。 The London Ambulance Charity is organizing the London Life Hike on September 8, encouraging Londoners to participate in a walk around the city's landmarks. 筹集的资金将用于支持重要的救生举措,包括安装更多公共除颤器和教育伦敦人如何应对心脏骤停。 Funds raised will support essential life-saving initiatives, including placing more public access defibrillators and educating Londoners on responding to cardiac arrests. 此次活动旨在提高人们的认识并筹集资金,改善社区的紧急医疗服务。 The event aims to raise awareness and funds to improve emergency medical care in the community.