密歇根州最高法院维持COVID-19限制,拒绝商业和学生赔偿要求。 Michigan Supreme Court upholds COVID-19 restrictions, denies business and student compensation claims.
密歇根州最高法院裁定,企业不得就COVID-19相关关闭造成的损失寻求赔偿,大学生不得因在大流行病期间在线班级或校园住房变更而要求退款。 The Michigan Supreme Court ruled against businesses seeking compensation for losses due to COVID-19 related closures and against college students seeking refunds for changes in online classes or campus housing during the pandemic. 法院维持了上诉法院的裁决,这些裁决支持州长格雷琴·惠特默 (Gretchen Whitmer) 的 COVID-19 限制,并发现在 2019-20 学年开始时没有承诺进行面对面的课程,住房合同有特殊情况的规定。 The court upheld appeals court decisions that supported Governor Gretchen Whitmer's COVID-19 restrictions and found no promise of in-person classes when the 2019-20 school year began, with housing contracts having provisions for extraordinary circumstances. 法院没有发布正式意见,而是发布简短命令。 The court did not issue formal opinions, instead releasing brief orders.