密歇根州州长惠特默(Whitmer)呼吁FEMA拒绝向5月7日受龙卷风影响的县提供联邦救灾援助。 Michigan Governor Whitmer appeals FEMA's denial of federal disaster assistance for May 7 tornado-affected counties.
密歇根州州长格雷琴·惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)于5月7日对联邦紧急事务管理局拒绝向受龙卷风影响的县提供联邦救灾援助一事提出上诉。 Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is appealing FEMA's denial of federal disaster assistance for counties affected by tornadoes on May 7. 该机构的结论是,损害可以在当地管理,但Whitmer认为,许多居民面临重大挑战,特别是没有保险的损失。 The agency concluded that the damage could be managed locally, but Whitmer argues that many residents face significant challenges, especially with uninsured losses. 暴风雨对房屋和企业造成广泛破坏,造成16人受伤。 The storms caused extensive damage to homes and businesses, leading to 16 injuries. 该呼吁旨在为受影响地区的恢复工作争取至关重要的支持。 The appeal aims to secure vital support for recovery efforts in the impacted areas.