25 岁的艾萨克·布克·贾森 (Isaac Booker Justham) 因严重虐待动物而被起诉,PETA 为狗的安全康复提供 5,000 美元的奖励。 25-year-old Isaac Booker Justham indicted for aggravated animal abuse, PETA offers $5,000 reward for dog's safe recovery.
25岁的Isaac Booker Justham被控多项严重虐待动物的指控, 25-year-old Isaac Booker Justham is indicted on multiple charges of aggravated animal abuse after security-camera footage shows him abusing a dog in a Northeast Portland apartment building. PETA为狗的安全康复提供5 000美元的奖励;最后一次看到狗被绳子打,被吊在灭火器上,被踢。 PETA offers a $5,000 reward for the dog's safe recovery; it was last seen being beaten with a rope, hung from a fire extinguisher, and kicked. Justham的被捕发生在8月17日,但他拒绝透露狗的位置或提供有关狗状况的信息。 Justham's arrest occurred on August 17th, but he has refused to disclose the dog's location or provide information about its condition.