南部非洲发展共同体(南共体)首脑会议在津巴布韦穆塔雷举行,造成基础设施破坏、安全关切和经济损失。 Southern African Development Community (Sadc) summit in Mutare, Zimbabwe led to infrastructure damage, security concerns, and economic losses.
津巴布韦穆塔雷在上个月南部非洲发展共同体(南共体)首脑会议之后正面临经济和基础设施挑战。 Mutare, Zimbabwe, is facing economic and infrastructure challenges following last month's Southern African Development Community (Sadc) summit. 准备工作导致重型卡车交通损坏了原本已经很差的道路,而警察人数的增加则增加了居民和小企业的安全关切。 Preparations led to heavy truck traffic damaging already poor roads, while increased police presence raised security concerns for residents and small businesses. 因此,许多供应商因强制宵禁而遭受重大损失。 As a result, many vendors suffered significant losses due to enforced curfews. 社区领导人敦促采取集体行动解决这些问题,修复基础设施。 Community leaders are urging collective action to address these issues and repair infrastructure.