欧洲法院于9月10日就苹果13bn欧元税案向爱尔兰作出裁定。 European Court of Justice to rule on Apple's €13bn tax case with Ireland on September 10.
欧洲法院将于9月10日宣布对苹果公司与爱尔兰的13bn欧元税案的裁决。 The European Court of Justice (ECJ) will announce its ruling on Apple's €13bn tax case with Ireland on September 10. 欧盟最高法院准备审查其主要顾问乔瓦尼·皮特鲁泽拉将军的建议,他于2020年11月建议搁置2020年欧盟普通法院的一项裁决,该裁决认定欧盟委员会未能证实苹果公司欠爱尔兰13bn以上税加上利息的说法。 The EU's top court is set to examine the recommendations of its key adviser, advocate general Giovanni Pitruzzella, who in November 2020 advised setting aside a 2020 EU general court ruling that found the European Commission had failed to substantiate a claim that Apple owed Ireland more than €13bn in back taxes, plus interest. 欧洲法院的裁决将对这一旷日持久的法律争端的结果产生重大影响。 The ECJ's verdict will have a significant impact on the outcome of this protracted legal dispute.