密西西比总检察长认为在四起致命的执法枪击案中使用武力是合理的。 Mississippi Attorney General finds justified use of force in four fatal law enforcement shootings.
密西西比州总检察长办公室的结论是,州执法人员的四起致命枪击事件证明使用武力是正当的,涉及的事件包括一名男子用手枪威胁人们、一名应对国内骚乱的副手、一名参与入室盗窃的副手和一名应对绑架和袭击的副手。 Mississippi Attorney General's Office has concluded that use of force was justified in four fatal shootings by law enforcement officers in the state, involving incidents including a man threatening people with a pistol, a deputy responding to a domestic disturbance, a deputy engaging in a burglary response, and a deputy responding to a kidnapping and assault. 密西西比调查局进行了调查 The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation conducted the probes.