一名男子在底特律东区的霍尔科姆街触电身亡;前一天晚上的暴风雨可能促成了这一事件。 A man died from electrocution on Holcomb Street in Detroit's east side; storms the previous night may have contributed.
据悉, 周三在底特律东区的霍尔康布街上, 一名男子因电击而死亡. A man died from electrocution on Holcomb Street in Detroit's east side on Wednesday. 事件情况不明朗,前一天晚上的暴风雨有可能导致风险。 The circumstances of the incident are unclear, with storms the previous night potentially contributing to the risk. 当局和国防部正在调查这一事件,并将在获得资料后提供进一步的最新情况。 Authorities and DTE are investigating the incident, and further updates will be provided as information becomes available.