匈牙利总理维克多·欧尔班 (Viktor Orban) 在 LGBT 权利、自由流动和俄罗斯立场问题上与欧盟关系紧张,导致欧盟峰会搬迁。 Hungary's PM, Viktor Orban, strains EU relations over LGBT rights, free movement, and Russia stance, leading to an EU summit relocation.
匈牙利总理维克多·欧尔班 (Viktor Orban) 与欧盟 (EU) 的关系紧张,因为他对大多数欧盟成员国在 LGBT 权利、自由行动和对俄罗斯的行动等问题上的看法持敌意。 Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, has strained relations with the European Union (EU) due to his hostility towards the majority of EU member countries' views on issues such as LGBT rights, free movement, and action against Russia. 这导致欧盟首脑会议从布达佩斯迁至布鲁塞尔,以避免联盟内部紧张局势升级。 This has led to the relocation of an EU summit from Budapest to Brussels to avoid escalating tensions within the union. Orban与俄罗斯的密切关系使他成为俄罗斯与乌克兰冲突的关键角色, Orban's close relationship with Russia has made him a critical player in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but his efforts to obstruct aid to Ukraine and avoid sanctions against Moscow have caused friction.