匈牙利和斯洛伐克总理以安全和经济关切为由反对乌克兰的北约投标。 Hungarian and Slovak PMs oppose Ukraine's NATO bid, citing security and economic concerns.
匈牙利总理维克托·奥班(Viktor Orban)和斯洛伐克总理罗伯特·菲科(Robert Fico)重申反对乌克兰加入北约组织, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico have reaffirmed their opposition to Ukraine joining NATO, citing concerns over Ukraine's readiness and the potential risks to regional security. 两位领导人都批评乌克兰决定停止俄罗斯天然气的转运,认为这是对能源安全的威胁。 Both leaders criticized Ukraine's decision to stop the transit of Russian gas, viewing it as a threat to energy security. Orban还对乌克兰农产品对欧盟市场的影响表示担忧。 Orban also expressed worry about the impact of Ukrainian agricultural products on the EU market. 领导人在布拉迪斯拉发举行会议,讨论这些问题和可能采取的联合行动。 The leaders met in Bratislava to discuss these issues and potential joint actions.