Cardinal Health 计划关闭其位于爱尔兰塔拉莫尔的工厂,到 2026 年将导致 315 人失业。 Cardinal Health plans to close its Tullamore, Ireland facility, resulting in 315 job losses by 2026.
医疗器械制造商Cardinal Health宣布计划关闭其在爱尔兰的Tullamore工厂,从而在2026年3月之前减少315个工作位. Medical devices manufacturer Cardinal Health has announced plans to close its Tullamore, Ireland facility, resulting in the loss of 315 jobs by March 2026. 关闭决定是在成本压力下作出的,该公司正在考虑将哥斯达黎加和墨西哥的姐妹工厂作为潜在的替代制造地点。 The closure decision comes amid cost pressures and the company is considering sister plants in Costa Rica and Mexico as potential alternative manufacturing locations. 工作人员将从明年3月或4月开始离开,雇员每年服务6周的裁员,法定的2周。 Staff will start leaving from March or April next year, with employees receiving six weeks' redundancy per year of service and the statutory two weeks. 爱尔兰政府以企业,贸易和就业部长彼得·伯克为首, 承诺与国际开发署的卡迪纳尔·健康及其部门合作, 确定受影响人员的替代就业机会, 并确保该地区的经济未来. The Irish government, led by Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Peter Burke, has pledged to work with Cardinal Health, IDA, and his department to identify alternative employment opportunities for affected staff and secure the economic future of the area. 地方代表强调,必须迅速采取行动,减轻关闭的影响,并寻找新的工业来取代失去的工作。 Local representatives have emphasized the need for swift action to mitigate the impact of the closure and to seek new industries to replace the lost jobs.