Glen Dimplex Portadown工人计划针对关闭设施和向立陶宛离岸外包采取工业行动。 Glen Dimplex Portadown workers plan industrial action against facility closure and offshoring to Lithuania.
北爱尔兰Portadown的Glen Dimplex工人计划就该公司决定关闭该设施并将海上工作转移到立陶宛的决定发起一项工业行动,包括“按规则工作”策略。 Glen Dimplex workers in Portadown, N. Ireland, plan to start an industrial action, including work-to-rule tactics, over the company's decision to close the facility and offshore work to Lithuania. 这是继Glen Dimplex宣布重组爱尔兰业务之后,预计今后几年将出现300个冗余,并侧重于低碳供暖和通风解决方案。 This follows Glen Dimplex's announcement of restructuring Irish operations, expecting 300 redundancies over the coming years, and focusing on low carbon heating and ventilation solutions. 代表Portadown工人的国营工人联合起来,为工作和生计而奋斗。 Unite, representing the Portadown workers, states workers are fighting for their jobs and livelihoods.