74岁的妇女和50岁的男子因涉嫌贩毒而在斯麦斯威克被捕。 74-year-old woman and 50-year-old man arrested in Smethwick on suspicion of drug dealing.
74岁的妇女和50岁的男子在西米德兰州斯麦斯威克被捕,他们涉嫌在警察发现A类毒品、大麻和一大笔现金后贩毒。 74-year-old woman and 50-year-old man were arrested in Smethwick, West Midlands, on suspicion of drug dealing after police discovered Class A drugs, cannabis, and a large sum of cash in their vehicle. 逮捕于8月27日发生,两名嫌疑人仍被拘留,接受讯问。 The arrest took place on August 27, and both suspects remain in custody for questioning. 西中地警察局继续对毒贩采取行动,从街上清除毒品,防止进一步的犯罪活动。 The West Midlands Police continue to take action against drug dealers to remove drugs from the streets and prevent further criminal activities.