25 岁的男子在伍斯特因 A 类毒品交易被捕,并在弗利特和南安普敦被捕。 25-year-old arrested in Worcester for Class A drug dealing, with additional arrests in Fleet and Southampton.
10月25日,一名25岁的男子在联合王国Worcester被捕,据称他在警察因驾驶不规则而拦下他的车辆后,在A类毒品交易。 On October 25, a 25-year-old man was arrested in Worcester, UK, for allegedly dealing Class A drugs after police stopped his vehicle due to erratic driving. 搜查发现大量现金和可疑毒品。 A search revealed a substantial amount of cash and suspected drugs. 随着调查的进行,他被拘押。 He is in custody as the investigation proceeds. 此外,两名男子因涉及A类毒品的类似罪行在舰队和南安普敦被捕,两名嫌疑人仍被拘留,以便进一步调查。 Additionally, two men were arrested in Fleet and Southampton for similar offenses involving Class A drugs, with both suspects also remaining in custody for further inquiries.