警察在两辆宝马中发现大麻和现金后,8名男子在Worcestershire因毒品交易被捕。 Eight men were arrested in Worcestershire for drug dealing after police found cannabis and cash in two BMWs.
警方在 M5 高速公路上拦下两辆宝马车,发现大麻、现金和手机后,在伍斯特郡逮捕了八名男子。 Eight men were arrested in Worcestershire after police stopped two BMWs on the M5 motorway, finding cannabis, cash, and mobile phones. 嫌犯年龄23至39岁,被控从事毒品交易。 The suspects, aged 23 to 39, are accused of drug dealing. 4人被送往伍斯特警察局,4人被送往赫里福德警察局。 Four were taken to Worcester Police Station and four to Hereford Police Station. 警探Dave Knight赞扬这次行动,强调警方致力于防止该地区的毒品交易。 Detective Inspector Dave Knight praised the operation, emphasizing the police's commitment to preventing drug dealing in the area.