4 岁的癌症幸存者 Brock Nowicki 的艺术作品出现在 New England Revolution 的 Fight Childhood Cancer 比赛球衣上,该比赛被拍卖以支持 Izzy 基金会。 4-year-old cancer survivor Brock Nowicki's artwork featured on New England Revolution's jerseys for Fight Childhood Cancer match, auctioned to support Izzy Foundation.
4岁的癌症幸存者Brock Nowicki被诊断患有罕见的脑癌,应邀作为特邀嘉宾参加新英格兰革命培训。 4-year-old cancer survivor Brock Nowicki, diagnosed with rare brain cancer, was invited to New England Revolution's training as a special guest. 他的作品为球队的球衣设计了定制号码,这些球衣于 9 月 28 日在吉列体育场举行的 Fight Childhood Cancer 比赛中穿着。 His artwork designed custom numbers for the team's jerseys, which were worn during the Fight Childhood Cancer match at Gillette Stadium on September 28th. 这些球衣以布洛克的作品为特色,并被拍卖,以支持伊兹基金会,以惠及受癌症影响的儿童和家庭. The jerseys featured Brock's artwork and were auctioned off to support the Izzy Foundation, benefiting children and families impacted by cancer.