28岁的英国游客Angel Willows在巴厘摩托车失事中严重脚受伤,需要三次手术和皮肤移植。 28-year-old British tourist Angel Willows experienced severe foot injury in Bali moped crash, requiring three surgeries and skin graft.
28 岁的英国游客 Angel Willows 在巴厘岛的一场轻便摩托车事故中穿着人字拖,差点失去一只脚。 28-year-old British tourist Angel Willows nearly lost her foot in a moped crash in Bali while wearing flip-flops. 她的左脚被自行车的金属框刺穿了 After a crash with a pothole, her left foot was pierced by the bike's metal frame. 最初缝针很不好,她的脚受到严重感染,本可以被截肢。 Initially receiving poor stitches, her foot became badly infected and could have been amputated. Willows 接受了三次冲洗手术和腹股沟皮肤移植来治疗伤口。 Willows underwent three wash-out surgeries and a skin graft from her groin to treat the wound. 她现在发誓只穿运动鞋骑自行车, She now vows to only wear trainers on bikes to avoid similar incidents.