Annabelle Carlson在伯利兹鲨鱼攻击中失去腿部, Teenager Annabelle Carlson loses leg in Belize shark attack, fights back with optimism and support.
15岁的Annabelle Carlson在伯利兹的一次家庭潜水旅行中失去了腿,在一次鲨鱼攻击中手受伤。 Fifteen-year-old Annabelle Carlson lost her leg and suffered hand injuries in a shark attack during a family diving trip in Belize. 她进行了七次手术,与细菌感染抗争,现在配有假肢腿。 She has undergone seven surgeries, battled a bacterial infection, and is now fitted with a prosthetic leg. 尽管受到创伤,卡尔森仍然乐观,计划恢复滑雪和曲棍球等活动,并希望能很快回到海洋。 Despite the trauma, Carlson remains optimistic, planning to return to activities like skiing and lacrosse, and hopes to go back to the ocean soon. AGOFFME为她的医疗费用筹集了超过215 000美元。 A GoFundMe for her medical costs has raised over $215,000.