亚利桑那州护士在佛罗里达度假后因MRSA感染而失去双腿 现在寻求经济帮助 Arizona nurse loses leg to MRSA infection after Florida vacation, now seeks financial help.
Ed Rivas是一名49岁的亚利桑那州护士,在佛罗里达度假期间因脚部受伤而感染了罕见的细菌感染后,失去了左腿。 Ed Rivas, a 49-year-old Arizona nurse, lost his left leg after contracting a rare bacterial infection from a foot injury sustained during a Florida vacation. 回家后,他的脚肿胀,变成紫色,导致MRSA诊断和多次手术,包括截肢以挽救他的生命。 Upon returning home, his foot swelled and turned purple, leading to a MRSA diagnosis and multiple surgeries, including an amputation to save his life. Rivas现在面临财政挑战,目标是恢复工作,并有一个GoFundMe网页来提供支助。 Rivas, now facing financial challenges, aims to return to work and has a GoFundMe page for support.