华尔街日报/NORC的民意调查显示, 美国大多数成年人渴望实现"美国梦", 7/24 Wall Street Journal/NORC poll reveals most US adults aspire to American Dream, but few believe they can easily achieve it, with younger generations particularly skeptical.
7/24 《华尔街日报》/NORC民调发现大多数美国成年人都渴望拥有房屋、家庭和舒适退休的《美国梦想》, 7/24 Wall Street Journal/NORC poll finds most US adults aspire to the American Dream of homeownership, family, and comfortable retirement, but few believe they can easily achieve it. 民意测验对1 502名成年人进行了调查,揭示了人们的愿望和期望之间的差距,这一趋势在性别和政党界限上是一致的。 The poll surveyed 1,502 adults and revealed a gap between people's aspirations and expectations, with this trend consistent across gender and party lines. 年轻一代对于实现自己的梦想尤其持怀疑态度, Younger generations are particularly skeptical about realizing their dreams due to barriers to homeownership, high student debt, and interest rates.