中国和日本高级官员会晤,强调和平与合作,同意加强互信,加强合作。 Top Chinese and Japanese officials met, emphasizing peace and cooperation, and agreed to enhance mutual trust and strengthen cooperation.
中国最高立法者赵莱吉会见了日本的Nikai Toshihiro,强调和平、友谊与合作是中国和日本的唯一选择。 Top Chinese legislator Zhao Leji met with Japan's Toshihiro Nikai, emphasizing peace, friendship, and cooperation as the only choices for China and Japan. 两国同意加强互信、加强合作、推进双边关系。 Both nations agreed to enhance mutual trust, strengthen cooperation, and advance bilateral relations. 中国全国人大愿意与日本众议院和参众两院进行交流与合作。 China's National People's Congress is open to exchanges and cooperation with Japan's House of Representatives and House of Councillors. 日本的中日友好议员联盟致力于支持稳定关系。 Japan's China-Japan Friendship Parliamentarians' Union is committed to supporting stable relations.