Samsung SDI公司和通用汽车公司同意在印第安纳州设立一个联合EV电池厂,最初容量为27GWh。 Samsung SDI and General Motors agree to a $3.5B deal for a joint EV battery factory in Indiana, with an initial 27GWh capacity.
三星SDI和通用汽车宣布达成35亿美元的协议, 在美国印第安纳州建设一家联合电动汽车 (EV) 电池工厂. Samsung SDI and General Motors announced a $3.5 billion deal to construct a joint electric vehicle (EV) battery factory in Indiana, US. 这些公司将投资于一个新的电池电池制造设施,其初始年生产能力为27千兆瓦小时。 The companies will invest in a new battery cell manufacturing facility with an initial annual production capacity of 27 gigawatt hours. 该伙伴关系旨在支持美国市场对电动车辆日益增长的需求,计划在2027年进行大规模生产,并有可能根据今后的计划扩大到36千兆瓦时。 The partnership aims to support the growing demand for electric vehicles in the US market, with plans for mass production in 2027 and a potential expansion to 36 GWh under future plans.