2人在奥克兰因盗窃香烟和威士忌被捕,面临更多指控。 2 people arrested in Auckland for cigarette and whiskey thefts, facing additional charges.
新西兰警方逮捕了两名涉嫌在奥克兰盗窃香烟和威士忌的嫌犯。 New Zealand police arrested two suspects for thefts involving cigarettes and whiskey in Auckland. 一人因从一家便利商店盗窃价值5 000美元的香烟而被捕,另一人因据称商店盗窃14,000美元威士忌瓶而被捕,后者还将面临故意损坏、拥有大麻和甲基安非他明使用的用具的指控。 One man was caught for stealing $5,000 worth of cigarettes from a convenience store and another for allegedly shoplifting a $14,000 whiskey bottle, who will also face charges of intentional damage, possessing cannabis, and utensils for methamphetamine use. 警察赞扬店主协助逮捕的行动。 The police praised the store owner's actions that assisted in the arrests.