由中国资助的尼泊尔南部农业科技园于8月27日正式落成,重点是稻米生产、气候变化和粮食安全。 Nepal's Southern Agricultural Science and Technology Park, funded by China and focused on rice production, climate change, and food security, was inaugurated on August 27.
由中国南亚国家扶贫合作发展中心资助的尼泊尔南部农业科技园于8月27日在布拉特普尔落成。 Nepal's Southern Agricultural Science and Technology Park, funded by China's South Asian Countries Poverty Alleviation and Cooperative Development Center, was inaugurated in Bharatpur on August 27. 该公园旨在通过提高尼泊尔每个单位面积的稻米产量、促进温室植物种植、牲畜和养鱼,以及通过先进技术分享知识,促进稻米生产,应对气候变化和粮食安全等挑战。 The park aims to boost rice production and address challenges like climate change and food security, by enhancing Nepal's rice yield per unit area, promoting greenhouse vegetable cultivation, livestock, and fish breeding, and sharing knowledge through advanced technologies.