在佛罗里达州埃斯坎比亚县, PIT演习后发现两个月大的婴儿携带毒品、步枪和被捕父母。 2-month-old baby found with drugs, rifle, and arrested parents after PIT maneuver in Escambia County, Florida.
两个月大的婴儿、毒品和一支步枪在一辆汽车中被发现,当时在佛罗里达州埃斯坎比亚县发生枪声后,一辆PIT机动车在一辆汽车中停了车。 2-month-old baby, drugs, and a rifle were found in a car after a PIT maneuver stopped the vehicle in Escambia County, Florida, following a report of gunshots. Alexia Goble和Mel'trez Coley被逮捕并被指控犯有多项罪行,包括逃跑和逃逸、被定罪的重罪犯拥有武器、贩运危险药物和虐待儿童。 Alexia Goble and Mel'trez Coley were arrested and charged with multiple offenses, including fleeing and eluding, possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, trafficking in dangerous drugs, and child abuse. 警方在车内发现了一把装满的步枪,芬太尼,大麻和毒品. Deputies discovered a loaded rifle, fentanyl, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia inside the vehicle.