39 岁的南佛罗里达州母亲 Shanae Davis 在日托所 2 岁儿子的午餐盒中发现枪支,后被指控允许未成年人接触枪支。 39-year-old South Florida mother Shanae Davis charged with allowing minor access to firearm after gun found in 2-year-old son's lunchbox at daycare.
39 岁的南佛罗里达州母亲 Shanae Davis 在里维埃拉海滩杰克逊日托所的 2 岁儿子的午餐盒中发现了一把枪,因此面临指控。 39-year-old South Florida mother, Shanae Davis, faces charges after a gun was found in her 2-year-old son's lunchbox at Jackson's Daycare in Riviera Beach. 由于最近公寓大楼遭到入室盗窃,戴维斯从汽车手套箱中取出了那支 9 毫米 Glock 43 手枪,并错误地将其留在了午餐盒中。 Davis had moved the 9-millimeter Glock 43 pistol from her car's glove box due to recent break-ins at her apartment complex and mistakenly left it in the lunchbox. 她被捕并被指控允许未成年人获得枪支并将其带到学校和忽视儿童。 She was arrested and charged with allowing a minor to obtain a firearm and take it to school and child neglect.